Create a promotional video campaign for Mozilla Firefox, a leading web browser focused on privacy and data protection. The aim of this project was to focus on safe browsing and identity protection as key value propositions, while highlighting the community-driven approach of the Firefox product. GOAL CHALLENGE Our challenge for this project was to create a series of unique animated videos that would balance educating the audience on what “safe browsing” is while promoting the Mozilla Firefox browser. Since the videos were both educational and promotional, we took great care to craft a tone that would be both compassionate and confident, providing the viewer with a sense that Mozilla cares for them and knows how to protect them. OUR APPROACH To achieve the soft and compassionate tone we were seeking, we began with the visual style. We worked closely with the client to adhere to their branding guidelines and created a completely custom and unique style of illustration for the campaign. We utilized muted pastel colors and simple illustrations that had a hand-drawn quality to them. This gave the videos a very warm and human feeling. To push this warmth further, we kept the animation very simple and straightforward to give the final product a look that is high quality, but also relaxing. For the campaign, we were given a list of topics to cover, with free rein to be creative with each topic’s execution. We decided to give each video its own distinct ‘personality’ by coming up with a visual metaphor to embody the topics at hand. We created a series of short stories that would metaphorically represent different aspects of how the Mozilla Firefox browser keeps users safe online. Choose a Better World: To represent user input in the Mozilla community, we centered this video around a collaborative graffiti mural. We depicted artists gathered around a shared canvas to share their creativity. Building Better Internet Together: For this video, we depicted Mozilla Firefox users as custodians of a garden, pitching in together to keep the space clean and growing. Share Your Joy: To show the infinite ways users make use of Mozilla Firefox to meet their unique needs, we depicted Firefox users as roommates in a shared apartment. Each roommate goes to their own room to find their own personalized space which they thrive in before sharing it with their friends. Total Cookie Protection: For this video, we depicted nefarious data collection as anonymous hands reaching for cookies in a jar. To show how Mozilla Firefox protects users from data sharing, we depicted Total Cookie Protection as a lock on the metaphorical cookie jars. Committed to Privacy: To depict the way Firefox protects users from the darker sides of internet data collection, we depicted a young woman being shielded from a rainstorm. While other nearby people flee the storm, the main character remains cool and collected, as she is protected. In scripting for the video series, we made sure to keep the focus primarily on the value propositions of the Mozilla Firefox browser, privacy and security, while also centering the user as part of a bigger community of like-minded people seeking an alternative to the ad-heavy, anti-privacy internet of today.